Nancy K. Prieve, LLC - Tax Accountant
(703)831-7673 or (480)234-0397
- LLCs / Partnerships / S-Corporations / Corporations
- Sole Proprietorships / Self-Employed Owners
- Electric / Plumbing / HVAC / Contractors
- Home Improvement / Repairs
- Internet / Software Sales & Services
- Non-Profit / Charity Organizations
- Pest Control Extermination Services
- Real Estate / Property Management
- Sales, Marketing & Other Services
Takes special care to understand the unique needs of each of our clients to design custom solutions that exceed expectations.
Nancy K. Prieve, LLC
Taxes - Accounting - Payroll - Bookkeeping - Web Design
Nancy K. Prieve, LLC
8301 Cooper Street
Alexandria, VA 22309
(703) 831-7673 Tele
(480) 234-0397 Cell